1. General Water System Information
(1) Description of the proposed water supply system:
a. Name of the water supply system
b. Number of service connections for which the proposed facilities are being designed
c. Information on the number of population to be served by the facility
(a) Number of persons that will have access to or may use water from the water system
(b) Estimates of the number of residential, commercial, school, industrial, public taps, and agricultural connections expected to be served by the system
d. Information about the date of construction and/or rehabilitation of the water supply system
e. Service areas to be covered by the water supply system
(2) Map of facilities showing locations of:
a. Proposed water source(s)
b. Catchments areas
c. Treatment facilities
d. Storage facilities
e. Primary transmission lines
(3) Feasibility study, including environmental impact assessment, economic and financial analysis and social impact assessment
(4) Five (5)-Year forecasts of the demand and supply plan for water in the area of supply, disaggregated by customer category
(5) Number of customers, by customer category and service area
(6) Technical and non-technical losses
(7) Five (5)-Year forecasts of supply by source
(8) Relevant contracts or agreements with other water service providers (including bulk suppliers or water resellers)
(9) Approved tariffs in use (if applicable)
2. Source Water Information
(1) Description of the source:
a. Nature of source of water (surface water, ground water, sea water)
b. Type of source water collection structure (dam, wells, rivers, sea water )
c. Capacity of source (dam storage capacity [m3], well/river capacity [liter/sec])
d. Location of source
e. Raw water quality, reported by season
f. Full description of intakes (if source is surface water)
g. Information on existing and proposed wells and boreholes (depth of water table, recharge, maximum pumping rate) (if source is groundwater)
(2) Water abstraction rights:
a. Copy of water use permit from the Authority authorising to raw water abstraction of x liter/sec or m3/hour or per day, or per year
(3) Quantity of source water abstraction:
a. Demonstrate that proposed source is sufficient to reliably serve the anticipated water demands for at least thirty (30) years considering all consumption projections
b. Establish water demand in the service area forecasted for five (5) years for
(a) Source
(b) Distribution, and
(c) Entire system
(4) Water source safety plan:
a. Report of the assessment of vulnerability of the water system to contamination (due to mining, agricultural, commercial and domestic activities)
b. Remedial actions proposed if the source is susceptible to contamination
(5) Water source quality analysis:
a. Report on analysis by Competent Authority on samples of raw water tested and propose source water treatment
3. Treatment and Design Information
(1) Description and layout:
a. Type of water treatment and treatment scheme to be used, or currently being used
b. Demonstration that appropriate treatment will be supplied to ensure water quality meets drinking water standards in accordance with WHO Standard
c. Electricity supply requirements for treatment system
d. Source of electricity for treatment system
e. Flow diagram showing locations and relationships of individual treatment process units
f. Backwash system information
(2) Design capacities:
a. Design criteria/parameters used for the treatment units
b. Planned design capacities
c. Operational capacities (if different from design capacity)
(3) Treatment chemicals:
a. Type of chemicals currently used/planned to be used
b. Dosages
c. Method of feeding chemicals
d. Demonstration that all chemicals used in water treatment comply with national standards
(4) Disinfection facilities:
a. Equipment to be used
b. Feed rates
c. Residuals
d. Contact times
e. CT values
(5) Storage:
a. Capacity of treated water storage tanks at the treatment plant
b. Capacity of any other storage tanks
(6) Material used for storage construction
(7) Description of sludge treatment and disposal arrangements
(8) Description of the treatment process control and metering plan
4. Transmission System Information
(1) Layout of the transmission system showing:
a. Transmission pipe dimension (Diameters, Length, Materials)
b. Maximum pressure
c. Pumping stations (pumping rate, pressure, energy consumption)
d. Service Reservoirs (storage capacity, material, frequency of storage cleaning, etc.)
e. Valves
f. Type of System Control philosophy
g. Type of Bulk meters
The Commission is often seen as “balancing” of interests of its stakeholders through the protection of consumers from unfair treatment by utilities, promotion of economic efficiency of the service providers/investors, and the monitoring of compliance to standards and regulations.
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