Proper Pricing of water changes consumption preference, motivates consumers to use water much more efficiently, and higher prices have unfavorable effects on low-income households.

Putting the right price on the water will encourage people to waste less, pollute less and ensure its availability.

The right price can encourage efficiency and investment thus, the reason for the Commission holding stakeholders’ engagement on the commission’s mandate and price harmonization to benefit water sachet producers and consumers.

A press conference was held at the Commission’s headquarters, 55 Berwick Street in Freetown on Friday 27th May 2022 in which media houses were adequately informed about the shift in the price of sachet water ranging from factories, distributors, and the maximum purchasing price of the final consumers.

The Director-General, Dr. Emmanuel Mannah in his opening statement, stated that the last tariff adjustment for the sachet water producers was in 2019 and at a rate of Le 3,500 and despite the high increase in the price of materials they have been addressing consumer demand. Stating that the water union apply to the Commission for an increase in tariff as a result of the variance in the prices of their production materials and they cannot continue to run at loss.

As a Commission with the mandate to regulate the provision of the highest quality of electricity and water services to consumers; providing guidelines on rates chargeable for the provision of electricity and water services; and charged with the responsibility to carry out regular reviews of rates and changes, have done the technical analysis on the water union tariff application and have agreed to come up with the following prices both in the interest of the consumers and producers.

Distributors are expected to receive factory price of Le: 4,500 and sell at a price not exceeding Le:5,000, while end users/ consumers are expected not to buy more than Le: 6,000.

Director of Economic Regulation, Mr. Brima Bah, emphasized that these new tariffs comply with the Sachet and Water Regulation Rules and any producers who does not comply with these rules will not be a beneficiary of these new tariffs.

The public relations officer(PRO) for the Water Union, Mr. Max Jalloh, commended the Director-General and team for their tireless efforts to keep water producers alive in their struggle. He also urged producers to comply with the new rates set by the Commission.

The press conference was attended by representative, Mr. Christian Lawal, Ministry of Trade, and Industry, a representative, Mr. Ibrahim M. Kabia, of the Consumer Protection Agency, and a representative of various media including print and broadcast media, and Commission staff.

Courtesy of the Consumer and Public Affairs Department, SLEWRC

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