Electricity Distribution Licence Requirements


(1) Completed Application Form.
(2) Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum and Certificate of Business Registration and Articles of Association, or Deed of Partnership.
(3) Evidence of lease or other acquisition of land (as applicable).
(4) Tax Clearance Certificate for immediate past three (3) years (if applicable).
(5) Business Plan.
(6) Power Purchase Agreement with Generating Licensee.
(7) Network Agreement with Transmission Licensee.
(8) Where applicable, Retail Agreement with end-user(s) for supply of power.
(9) For new (greenfield) facilities:

a. MoU with or letter of intent from Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) Contractor (if applicable).
b. MoU with or letter of intent from the technical partner (if applicable).
c. Financing Agreements or letter to fund the project from financial institution(s).
d. Feasibility study, including economic and financial analysis and social impact assessment.

(10) A detailed forecast of the demand for electricity in the area of supply, disaggregatedby customer category.
(11) Estimates of number of customers, by customer category
(12) Estimates of technical and non-technical losses
(13) Estimated number and duration of outages for previous year
(14) Project location.
(15) Line Voltage Level (33 kV, 11 kV, 415 V, & 230 V)
(16) Connection Point(s).
(17) Pole type (Wood, Concrete, Steel, etc.).
(18) Installation method (overhead, underground, etc.).
(19) Detailed project design:

a. Site map
b. Single-Line Diagram
c. Control Rooms
d. Sub-stations

(20) Line Length.
(21) Distribution Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
(22) Transformer(s) type & data (attach nameplate data of all transformers).
(23) Projected Peak Load to be connected.
(24) Maximum Capacity of Network (MW, MVar).
(25) Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation of the project.
(26) Details of protection Equipment.
(27) Health and Safety Policy.
(28) Types of metering systems and technical specifications of meters.