(1) Completed Application Form.
(2) Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Business Registration and Memorandum and Articles of Association, or Deed of Partnership.
(3) Evidence of lease or other acquisition of land (as applicable).
(4) Tax Clearance Certificate for immediate past three (3) years (if applicable).
(5) Business Plan.
(6) Asset register.
(7) Financial statements (profit & loss, cash flow statement, and balance sheet) for previous three (3) years.
(8) Off-take Agreement or Arrangement
(9) For new (greenfield) facilities:
a. MoU with or Letter of Intent from Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC)Contractor (if applicable).
b. MoU with or letter of intent from the technical partner (if applicable).
c. Financing Agreements or letter to fund the project from financial institution(s).
d. Feasibility study, including economic and financial analysis and social impact assessment for new transmission lines.
e. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for new transmission Lines.
(10) Network Agreements with Distribution or Trading Licensee.
(11) Single-line diagram of the entire Transmission Networks (above 33 kV).
(12) Single-line diagram of the transmission networks showing points of connections to major loads/power stations.
(13) Number, Names, Capacities and Locations (GPS coordinates) of Transmission Sub-stations.
(14) Number and Lengths of Transmission Lines.
(15) Interconnecting Transformers (Number, types, capacities).
(16) Monthly or (if monthly are not available) seasonal forecasts of the demand for electricity in the area of supply, disaggregated by customer category.
(17) Estimates of number of customers, by customer category.
(18) Estimates of technical and non-technical losses.
(19) Reactive compensation equipment (details of compensators installed).
(20) Sub-stations layouts diagrams showing:
a. Bus layouts.
b. Electrical Circuitry, lines, cables, transformers, switchgears, etc.
c. Earthing arrangements.
d. Switching facilities and interlocking arrangements.
e. Numbering nomenclature of transformers, circuits, circuit breakers, and isolating switches.
(21) Transmission Lines Parameters:
a. Designation of transmission lines
b. Route Length of transmission lines
c. Number of Circuits
d. Per Circuit Values:
(a) Operating Voltage(s)
(b) Positive phase sequence reactance—ohms/km
(c) Positive phase sequence resistance—ohms/km
(d) Positive phase sequence susceptance—ohms/km
(e) Negative phase sequence reactance—ohms/km
(f) Negative phase sequence resistance—ohms/km
(g) Negative phase sequence susceptance—ohms/km
(h) Zero phase sequence reactance—ohms/km
(i) Zero phase sequence resistance—ohms/km
(j) Zero phase sequence susceptance—ohms/km
(k) Thermal Rating
(22) Transformer Parameters (for all transformers):
a. Rated MVA
b. Voltage Ratio
c. Vector Group
d. Positive sequence reactance on rated MVA base (Max., Min., & Normal)
e. Positive sequence resistance on rated MVA base (Max., Min., & Normal)
f. Zero sequence reactance on rated MVA base
g. Tap change range (+% to -%) and steps
h. Details of tap changer
i. Neutral grounding transformer/Resistor values
j. Type of Cooling
(23) Equipment details:
a. Circuit Breakers
b. Isolating switches
c. Current transformers
d. Potential transformers
e. Lightning arresters
(24) Relaying and Metering:
a. Relay protection installed for transformers and feeders along with their settings and
level of coordination with others
b. Transmission Metering details
(25) Transmission Lines Right of Way and Trace Clearance.
(26) Details of Communication and SCADA Facilities available.
(27) Total System Peak Load to be connected.
(28) Maximum Capacity of Network (MW, MVar).
(29) Health & Safety Policy.
(30) EIA for new transmission lines.
The Commission is often seen as “balancing” of interests of its stakeholders through the protection of consumers from unfair treatment by utilities, promotion of economic efficiency of the service providers/investors, and the monitoring of compliance to standards and regulations.
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