Water Distribution Licence Requirements


1. Distribution System Information
(1) Layout (in addition to overall map required under general information) showing locations of:

a. Pumping stations
b. Storage tanks
c. Mains
d. Hydrants
e. Isolation valves
f. Flushing valves
g. Standpipes and public taps

(2) Water mains:

a. For all distribution mains:

(a) Locations
(b) Sizes
(c) Lengths
(d) Depths
(e) Type of materials used

b. Special protections used where water main crosses over:

(a) Roads
(b) Bridges
(c) Railways
(d) River crossings/wetlands

(3) Pumping stations and storage tanks:

a. Descriptions
b. Specific designs
c. Capacities

(4) Distribution pressure:

a. Report with sufficient design information to demonstrate that system has been designed to sustain a minimum pressure of two (2) bars throughout the distribution system at all times

2. Operational Plans:
(1) Water Quality Monitoring Plan:

a. Describe methods to comply with standards and regulations
b. Locations of sampling points
c. Frequency of sampling at each point
d. Types of analyses to be run on the samples
e. Personnel to collect the samples (e.g., certified water system personnel, certified laboratory) and the training they have or will receive

(2) Water System Operations Plan:

a. Leakage detection and repair
b. Other routine maintenance

(3) Disaster/Emergency Response Plan:

a. Notification to Commission
b. Notification to consumers
c. Actions to be taken in event of emergency (earthquake, water supply disruption, power outage, contamination incident, etc.)

(4) Customer Services:

a. Service hours per day
b. Strategies to handle complaints raised by consumers
c. Response time to address complaints

3. Commercial and Financial Information
(1) Asset register including status of condition of asset
(2) Financial statements (profit & loss, cash flow statement, and balance sheet) for previous
three (3) years
(3) Expenses, including:

a. Wages and salaries
b. Royalty fees
c. Operation and maintenance cost
d. Depreciation
e. Other financial expenses

4. Environmental Impact Assessment
(1) Demonstrate that the project complies with environmental standards set by EPA

5. Contractors Obligations
(1) It is a drinking water supplier’s duty to provide customers always with drinking water of impeccable quality, in sufficient quantity and at the supply pressure that is necessary to properly cover the usual demand in the supply area.
(2) To comply with the duties to be performed, the drinking water supplier must be able to deal with or to guarantee execution of project activities.
(3) The drinking water supplier therefore to demonstrate the overall project activities in an appropriate and professional manner in the following field:

a. Water Supply concept;
b. Operation and Maintenance strategy and concept;
c. Rehabilitation strategy and concept;
d. Planning, construction, operation and maintenance of drinking water supply facilities and infrastructure with associated documentation;
e. Monitoring of water protection areas and untreated water;
f. Monitoring the quality of drinking water and ensuring at the customer tap an adequate drinking water quality;
g. Provision of water, resource management;
h. Network monitoring, control;
i. Risk analysis and its assessment;
j. Specification of monitoring strategies and control measures;
k. Operation and maintenance of technical equipment;
l. Organisation and implementation of standby emergency service;
m. Action plans according to Drinking Water Ordinance;
n. Preparedness planning for states of emergency;
o. Specification of personnel configuration and structure;
p. Target for advanced and further training of own personnel;
q. Occupational safety and health protection, environmental protection;
r. Acquisition and administration of real estate property rights and rights of way;
s. Acquisition of supplies and services;
t. Selection and monitoring of service provider;
u. Materials management / stock keeping;
v. Keeping the fitter register;
w. Customer service;
x. Contractual and legal matters about water rights.

(4) Interfaces and responsibilities for the fields of activity must be clearly defined. If possible, the activities mentioned or clearly delimited parts thereof can also be rendered by qualified service providers. Irrespective of this, the responsibility of the top management remains.

6. Personnel qualification
(1) Employees employed to the project must show adequate qualification for the respective activity.
(2) Compliance with the respective qualification requirements must be ensured prior to assigning the tasks.