Licence Checklist


Mandatory Submissions:

(1) Completed Application Form.
(2) Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Business Registration and Memorandum and Articles of Association, or Deed of Partnership.
(3) Evidence of lease or other acquisition of land (if applicable).
(4) Tax Clearance Certificate for immediate past three (3) years (if applicable).
(5) Business Plan (for the term of the licence).
(6) Off-take Agreement or Arrangement.
(7) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Approval Certificate, or Proof of submission and acceptance for processing of the Report on EIA to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including details on how effluents and discharges will be managed.
(8) For new (greenfield) facilities:
a. MoU with or Letter of Intent from Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) Contractor (if applicable).
b. MoU with or Letter of Intent from the technical partner (if applicable).
c. Financing Agreements or letter of intent to fund the project from financial institution(s).
d. Timelines for commissioning of the plant and the date when different capacities of the plant will come into operation.
e. Feasibility study with economic and financial analysis and social impact assessment.


Mandatory Submissions:

(1) Completed Application Form.
(2) Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Business Registration and Memorandum and Articles of Association, or Deed of Partnership.
(3) Evidence of lease or other acquisition of land (as applicable).
(4) Tax Clearance Certificate for immediate past three (3) years (if applicable).
(5) Business Plan.
(6) Asset register.
(7) Financial statements (profit & loss, cash flow statement, and balance sheet) for previous three (3) years.
(8) Off-take Agreement or Arrangement.
(9) For new (greenfield) facilities:
a. MoU with or Letter of Intent from Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) Contractor (if applicable).
b. MoU with or letter of intent from the technical partner (if applicable).
c. Financing Agreements or letter to fund the project from financial institution(s).
d. Feasibility study, including economic and financial analysis and social impact assessment for new transmission lines.
e. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for new transmission Lines.
(10) Network Agreements with Distribution or Trading Licensee.
(11) Single-line diagram of the entire Transmission Networks (above 33 kV).
(12) Single-line diagram of the transmission networks showing points of connections to major loads/power stations.


Mandatory Submissions:

(1) Completed Application Form.
(2) Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum and Certificate of Business Registration and
Articles of Association, or Deed of Partnership.
(3) Evidence of lease or other acquisition of land (as applicable).
(4) Tax Clearance Certificate for immediate past three (3) years (if applicable).
(5) Business Plan.
(6) Power Purchase Agreement with Generating Licensee.
(7) Network Agreement with Transmission Licensee.
(8) Where applicable, Retail Agreement with end-user(s) for supply of power.
(9) For new (greenfield) facilities:
a. MoU with or letter of intent from Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC)
Contractor (if applicable).
b. MoU with or letter of intent from the technical partner (if applicable).
c. Financing Agreements or letter to fund the project from financial institution(s).
d. Feasibility study, including economic and financial analysis and social impact
(10) A detailed forecast of the demand for electricity in the area of supply, disaggregated
by customer category.
(11) Estimates of number of customers, by customer category
(12) Estimates of technical and non-technical losses


Mandatory Submissions:

1. General Water System Information

(1) Description of the proposed water supply system:
(2) Map of facilities showing locations of:
(3) Feasibility study, including environmental impact assessment, economic and financial analysis and social impact assessment
(4) Five (5)-Year forecasts of the demand and supply plan for water in the area of supply, disaggregated by customer category
(5) Number of customers, by customer category and service area
(6) Technical and non-technical losses
(7) Five (5)-Year forecasts of supply by source
(8) Relevant contracts or agreements with other water service providers (including bulk suppliers or water resellers)
(9) Approved tariffs in use (if applicable)

2. Source Water Information

(1) Description of the source
(2) Water abstraction rights
(3) Quantity of source water abstraction
(4) Water source safety plan
(5) Water source quality analysis

3. Treatment and Design Information

(1) Description and layout
(2) Design capacities
(3) Treatment chemicals
(4) Disinfection facilities
(5) Storage
(6) Material used for storage construction
(7) Description of sludge treatment and disposal arrangements
(8) Description of the treatment process control and metering plan

4. Transmission System Information

(1) Layout of the transmission system showing
a. Transmission pipe dimension (Diameters, Length, Materials)
b. Maximum pressure
c. Pumping stations (pumping rate, pressure, energy consumption)
d. Service Reservoirs (storage capacity, material, frequency of storage cleaning, etc.)
e. Valves
f. Type of System Control philosophy
g. Type of Bulk meters


Mandatory Submissions:

1. Distribution System Information

(1) Layout (in addition to overall map required under general information)
(2) Water mains descriptions (description of distribution mains, special protections where water mains cross other public infrastructure
(3) Pumping stations and storage tanks
(4) Distribution pressure

2. Operational Plans

(1) Water Quality Monitoring Plan
(2) Water System Operations Plan
(3) Disaster/Emergency Response Plan
(4) Customer Services:

3. Commercial and Financial Information

(1) Asset register including status of condition of asset
(2) Financial statements (profit & loss, cash flow statement, and balance sheet) for previous three (3) years
(3) Expenses

4. Environmental Impact Assessment

5. Contractors Obligations

6. Personnel qualification