EWRC holds Technical workshop on draft mini grid regulations
Jan 16, 2019
Sierra Leone Electricity & Water Regulatory Commission

The Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission (SLEWRC) with support from the United Nations for Project Services (UNOPS) 2019 held a two day technical workshop on draft mini grid regulations at the Lagoonda Complex, Aberdeen on Wednesday 9th January, 2019 and Thursday 10th January, 2019 respectively.

Cross section of first day (9th January 2019) participants

The workshop which comprised of two sessions on each day, targeted key stakeholders like the Ministry of Energy, EDSA, EGTC and other participants from the Consumer Protection Agency, DFID, EU, REASL,E GIZ’s ENDEV project, the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Energy, mini grid operators and the media. 

Madam Sanira Deen MCCU’s energy Director making a statement

The objective of the workshop was to review and discuss the draft mini grid regulatory instrument which was developed by the Commission with support from UNOPS, to get meaningful feedback from stakeholders and participants for consideration in the final mini grid draft regulations. 

UNOPs Country Director Nick Gardener making a statement

A technical presentation on electricity measurement devices, interconnection rules, commercial arrangements which form the mini grid regulations was carried out during every session by EWRC’s Head of Electricity Ing. Kelcise Sesay and Economic Regulator Brima Bah.

EWRC’s Economic regulator Mr. Brima Bah presenting on the tariffs

Speaking to a number of the participants at the workshop, they described the sessions as informative and interactive which provided a proper setting to clarify issues of concerns to the mini grid operators and other key stakeholders present. 

The Commission in turn hopes to review these comments in the coming weeks for possible inclusion in the final draft.

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